Rich heavy rain. 15.4.09
Droplets of precipitation hang in the air, a thin fog sits in the bowl of the valley. 14.1.09
Light is filtering through the fog, highlighting raindrops clinging to the leafless branches, will they fall to earth or will they condense into the atmosphere. 14.1.09
A child in the bus queue watches his breath in the cold air. We share a game of breath. 14.1.09
Snow is falling snow on snow on snow on snow. Men of snow are appearing everywhere; people are shunning work, to play instead. The local hardware shop has run out of baby baths. There are bath marks on the golf course. 6.2.09
If I still lived in Scotland it would be a ‘grand soft day’, I live in Oxford so it is drizzling, people walk by with hunched shoulders. 16.2.09
Heavy rain is melting the remaining snow. 8.2.09
Snow is melting fast in the sun, which glistened on the morning frost 11.2.09
The boiling kettle sent its steam to hang below the kitchen ceiling 24.2.09
Spring days of early blanket of cloud ‘burned off’ by the sun 2.4.09
Over night rain soaks the dry surface earth and the new spring growth 4.4.09
Steam rises from the side of the house as the boiler warms its insides 4.4.09
Rains fall heavily as I write. 13.1.09
Twin lambs are born in to the early morning frost. 28.3.09
I see my breath in the air. I collect the droplets of the water in my breath by breathing in to a jar. 9.10.08
Snow outlined the edges of the twigs and branches and coated the berries of the
Hawthorn. 2.2.09
The bathroom air was thick with droplets of water after my shower. 24.2.09
Heavy rain fell into the gap between the house and the side of the hill; it fell into a pool of yesterday’s rain, its sound washed through me as I slept. 30.1.09
Condensation had breathed over the inside of the window in the morning. 29.1.09
Rain was coming from the south, weighty raindrops skeeter down the window pane. 27.4.09
Almost every square inch of the snow on South Park in Oxford is filled with tracks of feet and paws and claws and sledges and the meanderings of snowballs. A beautiful chaotic mandala offered to the hidden gift of snow in this country. Play. 8.2.09
I collected water from a Croagh Patrick Spring 7.8.08
2.2.09. Boris Johnson, Mayor of London said, ‘we have, gritted, grut and grot!’ Anything to get rid of the slippery playful substance that allows us to stay at home and have a ‘well day’ off work!
The water called itself together and tumbled down a wall of peat into a pool. Calling to itself once more, the gathering water disappeared down a deep funnel in the peat, under the surface now playing hide and seek with the air, it forcefully emerged, surging up into its time on the surface of the earth, powering out of her, the strength of her coming from beneath, she was released for her journey to the sea. 10.4.09
The spring rains are filled with bullets of hail. 27.4.09
The river water emerged, creeping out of a soaking wetness and into a rivulet, 100 meters away from the well, the water cress beds are dry, the smell of the well water clung to my hands, I was not drawn to drink the water. 23.4.09
Water powered up from the earth and out of the mouth of the well, I filled my hands and drank. 31.12.08
The sun is full as the trees transpire the moisture from the earth. 16.3.09
Spray from the stormy winter ocean filled my lungs and filled the air. 31.1.09
The half moon shifted in and out of view as the thin moving clouds passed over the earth. 16.1.09
The sun is pulling hard on the surface of the water, calling the moisture into the atmosphere. 24.5.10
I was glad to walk in the Spring rain sensing the clouds that had let the rain drops go, life food, manna from heaven. 9.4.09
I have drunk wild water
Cars sit motionless, blinded by frost. 14.2.09
The tree’s hoary edges reflect the sun. 14.2.09
I collected a jar-full of snow at the treacle well in Binsey which became half a jar of water. 2.2.09
The half moon shifted in and out of view as the thin moving clouds passed between it and the earth. 16.1.09
A thin mist of drizzle gathered on the windscreen, fog-like water. 16.1.09
Heavy rain melting remaining snow. 8.2.09
Snow melting fast, sun, frost. 11.2.09
Snow residue on earth, frost on plant tops. 12.2.09
The May morning was peppered with April showers. 5.5.09
I feel a gasping as the spring growth calls out for rain. 29.4.10
Dancing the edges of the ocean as the tide goes out. 4.3.10
Heavy blanket of snow, full grey skies. 5.2.09
Breath, ocean soft, in and out of lungs. 21.6.09
The breath of the waves on their turn, her fear washed out. 27.8.09
The heron stands motionless on the edge of the fish ladder, focused, feathered. 24.5.10
River water spills over the structures that divide it from itself. 24.5.10
Mists of soap filled water cover the vehicle as it stands stationary awaiting a makeover. 25.5.10
The air cools as clouds build in the air. 25.5.10